
Warunki zwycięstwa - Quiz: 1920

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What kind of a game is 1920?

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"White Eagle, Red Star: The Polish-Soviet War, 1919–20" was written by a famous British historian. What is his name?

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Which one of these four independent countries was not created as a result of 1914-1918 World War I?

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Independent Poland was resurrected in 1918 out of lands occupied for 123 years by which three countries?

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What was the name of the most prominent Red Army cavalry formation commanded by Semyon Budyonny?

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Who was the commander-in-chief of all Polish forces in 1920?

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What is the name of Poland's highest military decoration for heroism and courage in the face of the enemy?

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Pilots from which country served with Poles in the Kościuszko Squadron, a fighter formation famous for its role in the Polish-Soviet War?

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What is the name of the most decisive and largest battle of the Polish-Soviet War which took place in August 1920?

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How was an open wagon with a heavy machine gun installed in the back (a wagon used among others by Konarmy in the Polish-Soviet War) called?

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Warunki zwycięstwa - Quiz: 1920

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Quiz: 1920

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What kind of a game is 1920?
"White Eagle, Red Star: The Polish-Soviet War, 1919–20" was written by a famous British historian. What is his name?
Which one of these four independent countries was not created as a result of 1914-1918 World War I?
Independent Poland was resurrected in 1918 out of lands occupied for 123 years by which three countries?
What was the name of the most prominent Red Army cavalry formation commanded by Semyon Budyonny?
Who was the commander-in-chief of all Polish forces in 1920?
What is the name of Poland's highest military decoration for heroism and courage in the face of the enemy?
Pilots from which country served with Poles in the Kościuszko Squadron, a fighter formation famous for its role in the Polish-Soviet War?
What is the name of the most decisive and largest battle of the Polish-Soviet War which took place in August 1920?
How was an open wagon with a heavy machine gun installed in the back (a wagon used among others by Konarmy in the Polish-Soviet War) called?